What is a Primary Health Network?

Primary Health Networks are independent organisations, designed to improve local primary healthcare.

The Australian Government has established 31 Primary Health Networks (PHNs) across Australia. The Northern Sydney PHN is operated by the Sydney North Health Network (SNHN).

The focus of healthcare is shifting from hospitals to care in the community (primary health care).
For most people, primary health care is the first point of contact in the health system. This could be through general practice, allied health services, community health organisations, or local pharmacies.
The role of Primary Health Networks is to drive high-quality, integrated, primary care in local communities.

Sydney North Health Network works towards aims to deliver:

  • A better professional experience for health providers.
  • Better healthcare for the community.

SNHN does this by using an ‘integrated approach’ to health care:

  • Enabling local people to care for their own health
  • Helping local people navigate the healthcare system
  • Providing trustworthy information to health professionals and the general public
  • Delivering education sessions and networking opportunities for health professionals
  • Commissioning local health services to bridge gaps between patient needs and available support
  • Improving integration and coordination between local healthcare services

Our organisation drives service improvement and achieves system change.

We understand:

  • the health needs of our local population.
  • the health services available within the region.
  • how to identify gaps in the healthcare system.
  • the importance of working with services that meet the needs of our community.

We work with a network of health professionals including:

  • general practitioners
  • primary care nurses
  • allied health providers
  • the Northern Sydney Local Health District (NSLHD)
  • private hospitals
  • private health insurers
  • other health and social care service providers.

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